Warfare Prayers Read by Pastor Winston

August 8, 2024 By Rhonda

Mid-Week Bible Study
Wednesday, November 8, 2006 – 6:30 p.m.
Warfare Prayers Read by Pastor Winston
You Amorite spirit, I bind you and your power from operating against me
and causing me to slander or to entice me to babble and rebel and talk
about other people, in Jesus’ name. You will cease and desist from sowing
thoughts of discord and division into my mind. You will not bring
condemnation to paralyze me in Jesus’ name. I am free from your slander,
from your babbling and talking and rebelling and bitterness and division
and sowing discord, in Jesus’ Name.
You Hittite spirit, I bind you and your powers from operating against me or
to break me or to cause me to fear. The activities of doubt and unbelief are
bound in my life, in Jesus’ name and I command you to loose me from fear
and the spirit of fear to loose my life. And therefore I am free, in Jesus’
You Hivite spirit, I take authority over you in the name of Jesus. You will not
bring deception or wickedness to me any longer. As a villager or deceitful
friend, you will no longer disguise yourself as someone ordinary. You will
not seduce me to part with my money or some get-rich-quick scheme or
some wrong deal. I command you to cease your activity in my life, in Jesus’
name and I claim back every dollar that I have spent or invested in
schemes and wrong deals, in Jesus’ name.
You Jebusite spirit, according to Matthew 11:28-30, I take authority over
you. You spirit of heaviness, you will not operate against me any longer.
You will no longer tread me under your feet or attack my emotions with
negativity. You will not attempt to sap my confidence or my strength any
longer. I command you to cease and desist from instigating the feeling of
resignation or quitting in my life, in Jesus’ name. Your powers are broken
now, in the name of Jesus.
You Perizzite spirit, according to John 10:10, the thief cometh not but for to
kill, to steal and to destroy. It says if I find a thief, he shall restore to me
sevenfold. You have been found. You will no longer cause me to dwell in
an un-walled city. You will no longer steal or dispossess from me what I
have built up in Jesus’ name. So I take back everything you have stolen in
the name of Jesus and I declare that I am prospering and everything in the
Book belongs to me.
“Mammon is the spirit of money.” You spirit of mammon, I bind you. I bind
your powers against me from operating against me to steal from me or to
block creative money-making ideas and to block creative thoughts from
reaching me. I command you to loose every money-making thought that
you have stolen from me or blocked from me, in the name of Jesus.
Proverbs, chapter 6, verse 31 promised me that if the thief be found, he
must repay sevenfold. I claim 7 ideas for every idea you stole from me and
I bind you now, and I loose you from your attack, in Jesus’ name, amen.
The following is from Rules of Engagement, Volume 1[The Art of
Strategic Prayer and Spiritual Warfare] (pages 38 & 39) © 2005 by Dr.
N. Cindy Trimm;www.cindytrimm.com
I prohibit satanic manifestations and I speak that divine “abortive”
measures and “miscarriages” occur in satanic wombs and
incubators. Everything that Satan is trying to birth, I command a
Now Father, you have given me a great work to accomplish. I war for the
releasing of finances and all resources that belong to me. Everything
prepared for me before the foundation of the world, that pertains to my life,
my ministry, my calling and godliness, comes to me now. I shall not/will not
be denied. I shall not/will not accept substitutes. I call
in the resources necessary for me to fulfill God’s original plan for my life and
I command that it come to me without delay, in the name of Jesus.
I decree and declare that the wealth of the wicked is no longer laying up for
me, but it is released now. Let those who hold on to my wealth longer than
they should be shaken until they release it right now into my hands. I
command you Satan, to “cough it up,” spit it out, loose it, release it, and let
it go, now! In Jesus’ name!

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